Monday, July 21, 2008

Sozin's Comet!!

This is a book about Sozin's Comet and how Aang defeats the Firelord (The Phoenix King). It pretty much packs the four episodes all into one book. You can by it at Barnes and Nobles.

The Ember Island Players

This is a really good episode. It's about a play of Aang and his friends. The whole video is pretty much a joke, but it's still defently worth watching! Toph is a really buff man, Katara is an old lady, Sokka looks some-what right (but also too old), and Aang is a girl!
Click here to watch the first part.

Click here to view the second part.

And last, but not lesat, click here to see the endding.

Monday, July 14, 2008

New Avatar Episodes!!

Five brand, new Avatar episodes are coming out!! One has already ed aired. They will be on T.V. from today until the 19th. On the 19th, there will be a special, two-hour episode. All of the new epidoes will be on at 7:00. (Central Time Zone)